How To Search

To begin, Select whether you would like to search for available plants (for immediate requirements) or stock lists (for forward orders), then begin typing the plant you're looking for. You can use any word or part word, in any order. You will return only those plants that contain all of your words or part words.  For instance, if you're looking for Dracaena marginta Black Knight, you can just type Knight and all plants with that word in them will appear in the section below or you could type dra knight and only those plants which contain both dra and knight will be returned.

Welcome To EvergreenConnect

To search for plant availability:

Keyword Search

- Click into the white space beside keyword and begin typing the keyword you have, this could be a cultivar name, a genus, a species or even just part of any of these. For example: if you were looking for Dracaena marginata Black Knight, you could type in Knight, and all plants with that word in them will appear in the section directly below.

- To refine the search, click on either the first search narrowing option, Choose species or the second which enable you to narrow the pot size you are looking for.

- The search will be further refined detailing the exact plant you have chosen...